Thursday, November 22, 2012

Dear Melissa ♥

Hi Melissa :D

I hope you really like the mini surprise we gave it to you.
Although it's not really that fancy (we can't make it fancy on air :/ ) but we still really hope that you can feel our appreciation for you, as our best friend.

AND and! sorry for the not-so-good-quality video, cause we are facing lot of trouble for the video uploading thingy, and edit kind of stuff. :( sorry.. (plus we are not that pro in this kind of thing) so yeahh.. Eska, me actually said quite a lot of word but i'm forced to trim it down so that it will be easier to combine and upload :( it's okay we will save those sweet talks when we see you later in December.

p/s: December will be fast :D

We ♥ You
We will leave all the mushy & cheesy talks for ourselevs. 
Now let the photos do the magic :D

From Pauline :
bitch, sorry if my part of video is kinda short for you, i feel kinda shy doing all this, as you know i dont used be that kinda person. anyway!!! happy sweet lovely blasts 19th birthday! i wish i could be there with you since it's been years we haven't celebrated out birthday together. i miss you and all the thu's bitches, all the crazy scenes flow out in my mind all the time, cant wait to see you in coming dec. we both know nothing cant stop this friendship, cause no one is better than a friend like you and all the thu's sisters, cause how could i ever leave the only who lift me up when im in trouble. i really appreciate all bits and pieces we had gone through. grown up a year, start fresh and don't trapped yourself in the past. you deserved to be treated better baby. haha... anywya, hope you like this mini surprise we gave for ya, count on us, and we will be there. love you and happy birthday !! 231112

With uncountable loves, 
♥ Eska . Rachel . Pauline ♥ 

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